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The first test had began with the implementation of a project generating profits in the agro-industrial field. In an informal ways, the partners had invested in the building of a hens house in September 2015. The evolution of the project had encountered the problem linked to the importation of chicks and the low working capital to implement the autonomous local incubation activities. Thus, in November 2018, one of the entrepreneurs had started the process of obtaining official GLOBAL VISION documents which was registered under the numbers CD / LSH / RCCM / 18-B-00500 and the NAT ID: 6-910-N40762H . Due to the misunderstanding between the Ministry of the Economy and the one-stop shop for business creation in the Democratic Republic, in the delivery of the original of the national identification (official document), the manager had started the process all over again. From May 22, 2020, he had obtained a new Registration Number in the Trade and Credit Credit Register (RCCM) and thus changed the old name from GLOBAL VISION to INNOVAZING VISION. After structuring the company, the members of the board of directors contributed an amount, which is injected into the following activities:

-The entrepreneurship and Youth engagement, which aim to boost livestock and agriculture through the organization of training workshops and the granting by livestock in credit to young people who are animated by the spirit to revive livestock and agriculture area.

-Invest in the empowerment of young parents and mothers (up to 30 years old) micro-entrepreneurs through access to financial education and employment.


The following link contains more informations relating to the development of our project:

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